Friday, January 13, 2012

Toxic Soils, Developer's Failure & City Response

Mayor Stocks, why was this soil remediation closure report put on this week's agenda when there was absolutely no individual or government entity to take responsibility and answer to public questions of health and safety?

Since last spring when Leucadia residents were getting sick breathing the air around 1492 Hymettus Avenue during site grading for a 19-unit subdivision, the city staff fulfilled legal and regulatory requirements and little more.  The city has interceded on several occasions when DEH had signed off on City Ventures actions.  According to these people the message from the city has been, trust us. 

This week these 4 neighbors returned for a third time to seek answers and oversight response to their distrust of the developer's environmental consultant, City Ventures and DEH's complicity with the developer over the health of the citizens.  Instead, they got weasel words from Patrick Murphy. Above all, these people ask for more than, trust us.

It seems clear that remediation of pesticide-infused soils, essentially brownfields, throughout Encinitas' agricultural swath of land will continue to be a contentious subject.