Monday, June 25, 2012

Myths Encinitas

There is a false sensibility promoted over the last 30 or 40 years in the dismantling and takeover of US media - even to most every local television, radio and newspaper of false equivilencies.  Even the most progressive thinkers get trapped in this formula. Not every issue has two opposite and equal sides or perspectives.

That is nonsense on it's face that there is some sort of parity for each and every argument.  The idea that there is some sort of balanced conversation about everything is a false idea.

Have we ceded the principled conversation to the troll patrols and haters on the right who use the words principle or ethics to stick to whatever they are doing? It is as if you would see a guy driving drunk on the wrong side of the road hitting parking meters and people and not slowing down and you go, "Well you gotta' give him credit he's consistent."  Hal Sparks
Words like principle and ethics have real meanings.  If we've learned nothing, we need to recognize the futility of talking to those on the right who will refuse to acknowledge fact or reality or simply treat the dictionary as an etch a sketch. 
Sure, start a dialog with even the most obtuse teabagger sort…attempt to convince him that the views he clutches are self-defeating…try to disabuse him of his calcified bigotry -- but don't be optimistic about the outcome of your efforts. Trouble is: Depressingly large numbers of people have invested a great amount of time, energy and identity in the maintenance of their reality-defiant attitudes…There is just too much fragile self-esteem, bulwarked by brittle pride, at stake. 'Often, a journey towards self-knowledge and an attendant awakening to the nature of one's condition can be unnerving and painful.'
When conversations are only about fear and hate, we liberals lose the plot.  Making connections about potholes, speed limits, the right to speak at meetings or wanting open records are the kinds of things we can and do work towards community.  But, hate and fear don't necessarily go away allow an opening for more.  Always standing by are the grifters who revel in the sewers of human emotion and every couple years they feed on and feed into the campaign horse race atmosphere.  These are the true jackass whisperers who herd and work into a lather the completely misinformed (who sadly believe they are the only ones in the know). Real scrutiny triggers rage and ugly attacks because the myths don't . . . can't undergo questioning.  It's a toxic mix of myth, fear and intolerance.

Myth busting for progressive community activists means relentless conversations, use of analysis, facts, actual videos, truth telling at council meetings, letters to editor, blog posts and online comments.  But this isn't directed towards the audience described in the above paragraphs.

This summer will mean a great upsurge in people in neighborhoods all over town.  The people who have never been exposed or those who can and do want reality-based information or those have simply drifted or gotten discouraged outnumber the haters.  We need to tell our stories, to encourage and nurture people to question the political status quo because it won't stand up under honest scrutiny.