Monday, August 20, 2012

2009 Cartoon Parody in Real Time - REDUX

The Crest Drive Appeal brought 30 public speakers before the city council last Wednesday night, August 15 to defend the historic pines and vegetation along their street.  When reviewing the various city council member's discussion it was clear the parody from Leucadia blog in 2009 was being acted out in real time. The images from the 2009 Encinitas City Council Guide are included after each clip from last Wednesday.   What do you think?

"Jerome Stocks is Eddie Haskell. He has a tendency for being insincerely courteous. When the spotlight is turned off his true side comes out. He is the most willing council member to put his own fortunes ahead of the citizens, and he does that in the backroom as much as possible so he doesn't have to take responsibility."

"Jim Bond is Grandpa Simpson. Grandpa Simpson might have been a mover and shaker when young and still eager. He still belts out some classic lines of wisdom from time to time, but he is worn out. Expect him to provide a guiding hand on the lucky occasion, but he is over it. His heart is the right place but there is no leadership left in him."

 "Teresa Barth is Lois Lane from Superman I. Not just on the job, but eager to dig in and get to the bottom of the story and then do something about it. From an outside perspective some of her interactions might seem awkward or uncomfortable, but that is because she is so focused on the big story and has that in mind." 

It was fun to revist that lively period in Leucadia blog's history.   Ironically this parody was published on the same night that the great Leucadia tree cutting at Orpheus Park brought a crowd to city hall speaking out for the beloved trees in the neighborhood. Three more years with the council majority in control has meant very little has changed.