Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Walmart - Thanks Stocks & Bond

Why Big U.S. Retailers Can Afford to Increase Wages.
Why Walmart Workers Are Striking on Black Friday.
Videos of Walmart Workers on Thanksgiving Day orders to work.

Just in time for holidays, Brave New Films has a 5 year anniversary gift set of 10 dvds. Creator Robert Greenwald:
Since 2005, we've been fighting for a more just America with such films as Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism and Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. Have you seen them all? Do you know a passionate activist that would love our work? We have our first five years of videos compiled into one big box set including the ones mentioned above PLUS Iraq for Sale, Rethink Afghanistan and hundreds of shorts. And you get the full length doc Koch Brothers Exposed. This is the perfect gift for a like-minded friend or family member this holiday season!
Maybe activists could chip in and purchase a set for the Encinitas Planning Department.