Monday, November 5, 2012

When Character Counts - Mayor Stocks Fails

Vicious Slander
Sign Thefts 
Illegal Contributions 
Tax Money Funding Campaigns
FPPC Violations 
Code Compliance Violations
Character Assassinations
Throwing Newspapers in Trash*

On the eve of the big election day there is a need to make something clear.  We do not believe the vast majority of residents in this city want to have anything to do with hate. But, those opposing Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz have been doing the whole list of awfulness above.  We leave out Yost, Brophy and No-show Shuh because they present no animosity or adequate funding or backing for any of it. They have been nothing but respectful. 

Even if Mayor Jerome Stocks or Mark Muir are to be investigated, which is likely . . . Even if then there is't evidence of their involvement . . . None of this is what really matters right now and in the last few weeks.  

Stocks has never once used his bully pulpit or spent his own campaign war chest to send a loud and clear message to his supporters - I disapprove of all of these things. Not a word.  Even the Facebook and Twitter entries (suspiciously vapid sounding -  purchased for filler?) don't make a stand on justice and fair play. 

Instead he uses the Republican online blog to attack and justify the above behaviors as retribution that is "deserved".  No, we won't link to the place. We have yet to read a post submitted by Stocks that isn't filled with really hostile communication.

The Shaffer and Kranz campaign has not now or ever been about running against Stocks. They have immediately spoken up if there is a suspicion that a volunteer from their campaign or even supporters break the law or go negative.  They have instead focused on a vision of what they will bring to the city council.  They do not support a post like this one for that reason. We support them whole heartedly for this higher road.  

But . . . our whole democratic system recognizes the diversity and complexity our many voices represent.  So, we emphatically want to point out the obvious to any and all who have watched, listened and read what Jerome Stocks presents to this community and who all have financed and supported this crony network.  Stocks is just not good enough.  

Dump Stocks, Fire Muir his sidekick

*David Myers, one of Stocks' financial overlords, demanded that the YMCA no longer distribute The Coast News, causing the personnel there to put the copies in the trash. Not a crime, but a despicable action on the part of this group of wealthy bullies. Myers has a history of childish and hateful action plans.