Thursday, December 20, 2012


Update 12/20/12, 5pm, 5:30pm
Despite what seemed like a victory for the middle class with the Nov. 6 election results, our Capitulator-in-Chief is rumored to be considering cuts to Social Security.

Today there is the story in Coast News about  Rancho Santa Fe individual campaign contributions being $4.1 million this year.
Why were campaign contributions higher this year?

In regards to Rancho Santa Fe, UC San Diego political science professor Gary Jacobson said the large percentage of high-income individuals in the area likely played a role. President Barack Obama has insisted taxes go up on this bracket, fueling their opposition.

“This election was framed along economic lines,” Jacobson said. “In a wealthy area like Rancho Santa Fe that’s historically voted Republican, there was even more reason to be active.”

99% from zip code 92091 and 90% from 92067 went to Republican-backed candidates and organizations according to the FEC (Federal Election Commission). That’s according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which runs, a nonpartisan and nonprofit website dedicated to tracking money in politics.
Those in the "I've got mine, screw you" crowd didn't win as they planned. Even so, millions of people who believed that social security and other cuts would not be handed away are protesting. This list of Democrats from tracks your legislators' stands, and suggests you call if they are "Weak-kneed" or "Wavering" on cuts. With more from Esquire's Charles Pierce on "The Grand Sellout."

Our California Senators are on the Wavering List.  Give them a call.

Update Thurs., 5 pm:

Sen. Bernie Sanders Thursday on Senate Floor.

Rep. Dennis Kucinich on floor of House Thursday.

But of course, none of this is a big surprise for those of us who have been looking at President Obama's actions before the last campaign started. Senator DeFazio in June 2011.