Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 IN REVIEW: Black Eye for Bond

At the end of September a special meeting was called to discuss the vacant seat, left by Maggie Houlihan's death September 17, 2011, due to cancer. Appallingly, this meeting was not televised. UT Columnist Logan Jenkins threw a brick at Mayor Bond.
"A brick — the Blackout Black Eye award — to Encinitas Mayor Jim Bond for calling a special meeting Monday night and then decreeing the proceeding so trivial that it should not be televised."

"Is the mayor so out of touch with political reality that he didn’t know that this opening act in the drama of filling the seat of the late Councilwoman Maggie Houlihan would be of public interest, particularly since it was widely known that Houlihan would be making a posthumous appearance?"

"[ . . . ] No matter which way it goes, the council will have to factor in Houlihan’s videotaped plea to appoint Lisa Shaffer, the dramatic appeal that Bond evidently thought too unimportant for the city’s citizens to witness in real time with the council."

"Bond may believe the blackout was good government. But in a divided city, it’s bad politics."