Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 IN REVIEW: Red Cape & Bull Award

Union Tribune Nov. 11, 2011
Columnist Logan Jenkins:
"A brick - the Red Cape and Bull award — to the Encinitas “pro-business” (for lack of a better label) majority — Mayor Jim Bond, Jerome Stocks and Kristin Gaspar — for appointing Mark Muir, the city’s fire chief, to fill the late Maggie Houlihan’s council seat."
"This decision wanted some tact, some humility, some spirit of compromise. None was displayed."
"No one should have been surprised that a weird whirlwind was reaped Wednesday night as more than a hundred Encinitans gathered outside City Hall to protest the Muir appointment. [ . . . ] But he also has a history as an unusually active political player on behalf of Stocks and Bond. The appearance of conflict looms."
As if to prove Jenkins' point regarding tact and spirit of compromise or some modicum of graciousness, Jerome Stocks stoops to bickering with the columnist in the comments section. Classy.