Saturday, March 31, 2012

Councilwoman Barth Encourages Citizen Participation

This clip is the bit that led into Gaspar's poutrage in the preceding post below.  For those who watched Gaspar lash out at Barth without any truthful evidence - again - this clip shows how desperate the mission must be to get that contrived ordinance in place.

It really isn't about Teresa Barth.  It isn't about poor Ms. Gaspar having her own problems with what she claims does and doesn't offend her.  This is raw political power maneuvering, framing and the dozen speakers and many dozens more watching at home and in the council chamber and those who watched clips after know this. 

Maybe the deliberate framing to make Gaspar the victim works for the powers that be.  This doesn't mean the press should continue to lap up what they've been spoon fed.  I'm talking to you Jon Horn, Barbara Henry and Wehtahnah Tucker. Enough with the false equivalency when one lone voice to represent half of Encinitas is shut out and public speakers are treated with barely veiled contempt. Thankfully, there are so many willing to be vigillant.  As several speakers said, they didn't want to be at the city council meeting for more than 4 hours last Wednesday night or any night.
