Friday, March 2, 2012

We Don't Trust Them

Update: Coast New Article too.

This statement by Cardiff resident George Hejduk is lifted from The NCT article on Tuesday night's itty-bitty special public hearing of the Ecke Proposal to divide almost 40 acres into three smaller parcels.
"Ecke Ranch owners repeatedly have tried to change the agricultural zoning on their land in the two decades since they agreed to preserve it for agriculture in perpetuity, he said. They lobbied city officials and got a measure on the ballot in 2005 that was "soundly defeated" by voters, Hejduk recalled."
Okay, this from the Ecke Ranch attorney is supposed to reassure the thousands of us who just fell free of the turnip truck we rode in on here.
"They got shot down," she agreed. "That is a very good reason why they will not be trying it again."
And this from NCT article, the Ecke attorney adds,
"She repeatedly stressed during Tuesday's special hearing that the only proposal before the city is a minor subdivision request. The agricultural zoning isn't proposed to change, she noted."
In a previous NCT article, Mayor Stocks' and/ or his BFF Andreen's sock puppets* in the press, like Coastal Watchdog  stressed in the comments section of the article how small and inconsequential this land use request was. Yes, the sneering is the giveaway.

Sorry if they believe that logical failure will suffice as a ruse.  Hidden in plain sight by making something small and innocuous looking is a classic deception.
“If you think you're too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.”
What is the reality?  What is behind the deal?  There is no answer in this post or in the press.  There are (gratefully) a few protesting citizens even though there aren't investigative journalists uncovering much of anything in Encinitas.  Even so . . . small is a start.

It would be a good idea to fire an email off to these planners to remind them we aren't required to trust Paul Ecke III, the planners or the mayor - just because they say this is small.  No, we don't need to trust because those in control insist we must. Small works with distrust too, so send an email, or a letter to the editor. What harm is there in asking what's going on here? 
*sock puppet A phony name made up by a user in order to masquerade as someone else on the Internet. Sock puppets can make controversial comments or without revealing their identity. The term comes from a pretend person made by placing a sock over one's hand.

sock puppet image credit