Monday, April 16, 2012

Myths Encinitas

At the last council meeting the mayor and deputy mayor offered up their facile argument that city rules and processes were more important than emotional issues.  Gaspar repeated it over and over - process, rules, process, etc. Embarrassing.

These are myths. Encinitas City Council Majority Myths. "Myths Encinitas"

Pay attention, because they don't mean it.  This is not about policies or rules, because there isn't a meeting this year that Jerome Stocks hasn't played around with Roberts Rules of Order, Council Policy, the Brown Act,  basic rules of courtesy and etiquette or a combination of all of the above rules and processes.

At this very same meeting, following the embarrassing Gaspar process yappity yap and directly after being called on this very thing by Sandy Shapiro, Jerome Stocks blew off the time overage for cronies and funding friends.

 Legally there is nothing as definitive as Sandy Shapiro reads from the city document for the Oral Communications.  The point is that this small allowance for citizens to speak to their issues at the start of each meeting is used as political manipulation. 

As stated in the video slides, this wasn't about the Historical Preservation group, event or fascinating video. (This is a worthy event.) This is about the Stocks, Bond, Muir and Gaspar pretending to be following official rules when they act without flexibility, openness, transparency, understanding or compassion. It's merely political word games, bullying and the marginalizing of their perceived enemies. Stocks' behavior is so different with buddies and cronies and funding sources.