Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No, just no.

They should have stopped with a rose to the Encinitas City Counciil for doing the right thing.  But no . . .

Dead roses for the boys at NCT.  It's not clear if North County Times editorial staff has ever met Jerome Stocks or if they have visited Encinitas in a good, long while. Best guess these guys came up with these comedy stylings as a great inside joke or got a very big check or who knows?
"We were particularly impressed with Mayor Jerome Stocks ---- who, despite being cast earlier somewhat as the villain in this brouhaha, followed his heart and voted to allow the images. It was a classy, elegant ending to what had been an unfortunately messy situation."

No, just no.
Note the passive language, with poor Stocks being cast as the villain . . . as though he hadn't started the whole thing.  And recall his dance partner Gaspar made the emphatic point that emotions were stripped away for the sake of the sanctity of rules and processes right after Stocks had huffily posited he was one of the only ones to appreciate that the rights of the permit holder mattered the most. Now that is some classy - elegant heart shit right there.