It's a big weekend ahead for the people in Encinitas who celebrate the Holidays.
Saturday, December 1st. The Tree Lighting in the Lumberyard at 5 pm is the apparent kickoff. The parade itself begins at 5:30 at D Street and will end at J Street in downtown Encinitas.
Kringle Mingle in Cardiff.
Sunday, December 2nd, 1-5 pm at Cardiff Town Center.
Councilwoman Barth and her husband Don donated the tree she is standing beside here. Goodwill to all seems to be a theme with this couple with a special love of the coastal community where they live.
Update: For those who are confused, the point of this post is that Barth and her husband personally give of themselves and financially (like the donation of this tree) - outside of her elected role as a council member. I'd ask if anyone can name another council member who does the same, maybe even those who have severed for more than a decade?
Sadly, we have precious little donated by the very wealthy of this community for the goodwill of all beyond the requisite allotments for the CRC, Botanical Gardens, etc. This isn't meant to be critical of any donations of any amount by anyone at all. There are generous souls among us.
It is still an indictment of sorts to the scrooge-like history of the most wealthy. There are individuals who are more than able to buy the Pacific View property (with money that wouldn't even be missed in the fiscal world they live in) and give it to the city. Don't hold your breath.
12/1/12 Updates: Apologies for date, day confusing post. Holiday PSA writing fail.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
I'm Bored, I'm Chairman of the Bored
Let's take this week's city council meeting scheduled today, Nov. 28, 2012. There is nothing on the agenda. Just as well to not have to sit through hours of Jim droning on, Mark mouthing catch phrases, Kristin moving forward (using hand gestures) and Jerome's sarcasm.
This very last meeting is really a lame duck meeting. Anything that is really outstanding for the agenda is best dealt with after Dec. 11, with the changing of the council members and selecting a new mayor and deputy mayor.
And James Bond will no doubt be fĂȘted yet again. Just how many of these is this town going to plan? The image above represents the apathy cheerleader - fitting for this mood of boredom. It also fits James Bond to a tee. He had hundreds of ways to describe why people shouldn't bother to come to city council meetings, attend workshops or be engaged as a voter. He could ramble on for 10 minutes or more about how he once bothered and learned it just didn't matter. Change is impossible and it's best to trust those on the dais. Move along folks . . .
Sixteen years were already too long, James Bond knew this and decided not to run in 2008. Then at the last minute his vanity or some other bad influence led him back into election campaign mode. This was way past Bond's sell-by date and the community had to wait it out, as did staff and colleagues.
Once or twice this year he did halt the juggernaut that Stocks and Gaspar created together with their leadership positions in running the meeting to serve their own ends. We can thank him for that. So, let the guy have his last bows tonight.
Boredom is from more than this meeting tonight. Where is it written that the binge consumption - be it holiday foods, retail products or entertainment be practically the only news of the day? It is a real feeling of drift to be secular, not participating in holiday and generally a non-consumer. Possibly it is also the after effects of Manchester buying up NCT and Patch editor Marlena Medford turning over that role to Daniel Woolfolk. *Sigh*
Then there is the shitstorm of misinformation, hysteria, silliness and sex in the MSM that drives one to drink or otherwise shut down mental function to survive. General's genital drama, Twinkies, Grand Bargain, War on Christmas, War on Men versus real undeclared and unaccountable Drone Wars and Murder of Gaza and Climate Change. Maybe this backdrop of crazy and horror just exaggerates the dearth of local stories.
Lastly, it has been a reoccurring thought for some years now that we have got it totally wrong. If you observe nature all around it's apparent that this is a time to turn inward and to slow down. The days are short and the nights are long. It is a time to conserve energy as it gets cooler. It is a time for interactions to dramatically drop off, for sleeping longer hours and needing less to eat with the minimal energy expended. These messages are everywhere in the trees, the birds, critters and waterways.
So, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. There will most likely be light posting from now until Our Mayor goes dark on Winter Solstice, something we all share whether we celebrate or not.
Garbage Journalism
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Guess Who Loves Encinitas?
The recent news of the Gaspars being the ones behind the We Love Encinitas fliers, using the taxpayer funded Citizen Satisfaction Survey as a campaign device to promote Jerome Stocks and Mark Muir (dismal failure) prompts another question.
Why was Teresa Barth left off the 2nd mailer? She obviously loves Encinitas too. The following clip is from the Sept. 12, 2012 meeting when the True North consultant responsible for the Citizen Survey was questioned about the results. It is worth watching the entire meeting with the advantage of knowing that the intended use in the campaign was a foregone conclusion for the council majority, the consultant if not the city manager.
Note how Barth attempts to follow through on Bond's critique of a survey in an election year and she is cut off by our Mayor Stocks. Deputy Mayor Gaspar uses the city manager as fall guy technique to force the vote. She has used this bullying before with Gus Vina here and here. (Hopefully, this blogger won't be the only one crying foul if she continues with this in the upcoming year.)
A word about the whole point of the Citizen Satisfaction Survey. So, presumably it was for the new City Manager, Gus Vina, to get information. He defends it after the fact in his November newsletter, dated the same day Marcos Gonzalez of Coastal Law Group released the search results for the We Love Encinitas records.
Why was Teresa Barth left off the 2nd mailer? She obviously loves Encinitas too. The following clip is from the Sept. 12, 2012 meeting when the True North consultant responsible for the Citizen Survey was questioned about the results. It is worth watching the entire meeting with the advantage of knowing that the intended use in the campaign was a foregone conclusion for the council majority, the consultant if not the city manager.
It was clear several days before the election that the clumsy attempt to sway voters with Gaspars' We Love Encinitas mailers was doomed to failure. The fliers and the sneering comments against Candidates Shaffer and Kranz and their supporters being the 2% who didn't love Encinitas insulted people's intelligence and sense of basic ethical standards.
Despite the above clip, we heard that Paul Gaspar claims Teresa Barth indicated she didn't love Encinitas. This isn't a direct quote as this blogger had to hear it on the grapevine. But, it was so patently a lie and downright slanderous something needed to be said. These twisted kinds of defense will only continue to poison the council's environment. And that is indefensible. The new majority won't stand for it.
And just one more clip to remind us what the current majority had to say about the survey when it was proposed March 28 of this year.
Note how Barth attempts to follow through on Bond's critique of a survey in an election year and she is cut off by our Mayor Stocks. Deputy Mayor Gaspar uses the city manager as fall guy technique to force the vote. She has used this bullying before with Gus Vina here and here. (Hopefully, this blogger won't be the only one crying foul if she continues with this in the upcoming year.)
A word about the whole point of the Citizen Satisfaction Survey. So, presumably it was for the new City Manager, Gus Vina, to get information. He defends it after the fact in his November newsletter, dated the same day Marcos Gonzalez of Coastal Law Group released the search results for the We Love Encinitas records.
The irony du jour is that there is a 6 pm public meeting tonight, Nov. 27, at City Hall on the Hall Property Park with only the most vague description on the city website. News of this via Patch appeared early today or late last night only because Councilwoman Barth saw it on the city website and alerted the press.
Doesn't that perfectly illustrate Barth does love Encinitas and goes above and beyond without grandstanding? If the city manager will check out the citizen responses to city communication in the now infamous Citizen Satisfaction Survey, it would be clear to him that posting on the website alone isn't very effective. City Manager Vina, please try harder to be a real ally serving Encinitas citizenry. Continuous improvement . . . amirite?
Doesn't that perfectly illustrate Barth does love Encinitas and goes above and beyond without grandstanding? If the city manager will check out the citizen responses to city communication in the now infamous Citizen Satisfaction Survey, it would be clear to him that posting on the website alone isn't very effective. City Manager Vina, please try harder to be a real ally serving Encinitas citizenry. Continuous improvement . . . amirite?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Quote of the Day - Philosophy of Futility
-- Noam Chomsky
No Trust,
Quote of the Day,
Friday, November 23, 2012
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Walmart - Thanks Stocks & Bond
Why Walmart Workers Are Striking on Black Friday.
Videos of Walmart Workers on Thanksgiving Day orders to work.
Just in time for holidays, Brave New Films has a 5 year anniversary gift set of 10 dvds. Creator Robert Greenwald:
Since 2005, we've been fighting for a more just America with such films as Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism and Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price. Have you seen them all? Do you know a passionate activist that would love our work? We have our first five years of videos compiled into one big box set including the ones mentioned above PLUS Iraq for Sale, Rethink Afghanistan and hundreds of shorts. And you get the full length doc Koch Brothers Exposed. This is the perfect gift for a like-minded friend or family member this holiday season!Maybe activists could chip in and purchase a set for the Encinitas Planning Department.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Who was behind the We Love Encinitas Deceptive Mailer?
Last October 7th people were passing out this flyer at the annual Olivenhain Oktoberfest. People were outraged that the taxpayer funded Citizen Satisfaction Survey had been manipulated to serve as propaganda for Stocks campaign.
Entity Number: C3515796
Date Filed: 10/22/2012
Status: ACTIVE
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
Entity Address: 140 ENCINITAS BLVD STE 105
Entity City, State, Zip: ENCINITAS CA 92024
Agent for Service of Process: PAUL GASPAR
Agent Address: 140 ENCINITAS BLVD STE 105
Agent City, State, Zip: ENCINITAS CA 92024
So, it isn't listed here whether this a non-profit or 501(c)(3). What is significant beyond the staggering arrogance of Paul Gaspar, Deputy Mayor Kristin Gaspar's husband, is the date of activation on Oct. 22 being two weeks after the date when the misleading campaign piece was widely distributed.
Is it stupidity, naiveté or as stated, staggering arrogance, to disregard laws so blatantly? It isn't like this family hasn't already been challenged and failed on this front. Before it was the deceptive slate mailers. Early in October Councilwoman Barth wrote a commentary reminding citizens to be ready for the October Surprise of hit pieces via the mail. This was cross posted at EYNY.
On Oct. 12 Encinitas Undercover posted the background on the mailer after the widespread delivery of this piece to people's homes.
"Think about that: Jerome Stocks' backers are getting tax deductions for sending out what are, for all practical purposes, campaign mailers. I suspect the IRS will frown on this charade and those involved will face legal consequences. But even if not, what was Stocks thinking? On the heels of sign-gate, to serve up another prime example of cutting corners and bending or breaking rules for political gain? How much more blatant could he be in validating the complaints of his harshest critics?"
Yesterday we learned that the person responsible for the mailers via the Secretary of State database thanks to Coastal Law Group responding to inquires for information.
Deputy Mayor Kristin Gaspar's Husband, Paul Gaspar!
Entity Number: C3515796
Date Filed: 10/22/2012
Status: ACTIVE
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
Entity Address: 140 ENCINITAS BLVD STE 105
Entity City, State, Zip: ENCINITAS CA 92024
Agent for Service of Process: PAUL GASPAR
Agent Address: 140 ENCINITAS BLVD STE 105
Agent City, State, Zip: ENCINITAS CA 92024
So, it isn't listed here whether this a non-profit or 501(c)(3). What is significant beyond the staggering arrogance of Paul Gaspar, Deputy Mayor Kristin Gaspar's husband, is the date of activation on Oct. 22 being two weeks after the date when the misleading campaign piece was widely distributed.
Is it stupidity, naiveté or as stated, staggering arrogance, to disregard laws so blatantly? It isn't like this family hasn't already been challenged and failed on this front. Before it was the deceptive slate mailers. Early in October Councilwoman Barth wrote a commentary reminding citizens to be ready for the October Surprise of hit pieces via the mail. This was cross posted at EYNY.
"Slate mailer companies are also used by various individuals to send out last minute "hit pieces" on candidates. By using a slate mailer the actual contributors can remain unknown until after the election when the contribution reports are filed with the FPPC. These companies also provide a means for contributors to, legally and illegally, circumvent local campaign contribution limits.
In the 2010 election, the Voter Education Group sent out a mailer endorsing candidates Kristin Gaspar and Dan Dalager and blasting me. The group was later fined more than $110,000 by the FPPC for various state-wide financial reporting violations.
It's not illegal to pay for a slate mailer endorsement but is it ethical?"This is the pressing issue for Encinitas citizens and for the new City Council, what does Deputy Mayor Kristin Gaspar have to say about her husband's exploitive use of the taxpayer funded survey and corporation creation? We don't know all of the legal issues or ramifications, but we can uncover right now what the ethical issues are.
Breaking the Rules,
Campaign 2012,
Monday, November 19, 2012
A Word Against Demands for a Clean Slate
Remember these? This is the primitive version of etch-a-sketch. This particular graphic seemed apt for the outgoing Stocks and Bond.
Anyone who has been an observer, a student of the US political scene for the past 30 years is well aware of the phenomenon of induced amnesia. Our gigantic corporate media have perfected the erasure process with the Romney campaign. The biggest slate clearing in the last decade?
Bush? Bush who? (Locally, Dan? Dan who?)
Whatever is written or even video taped - rrrriiiiiiipppppppp - clear the page. Gone. Out of sight and out of mind.
Enough prologue, it is likely the level of awareness reached by voters this year will dissipate very quickly.
[Editor note: Missing portion in bold added late.]
I believe it is important remind ourselves what we consider corrupt, unfair, damaging or uncivil. What should be exposed or punished? We need to come to an agreement of who is accountable and how this might be made clear to the community.
The new council can be trusted to begin the new business at hand with this backdrop of the past available to inform decision making. My own belief is that maintaining and growing a public sector; e.g., an informed and engaged electorate, is far more important for activists' energy than anything that this new city council will be doing this year.
Collective issues like climate change, economic implosion, unemployment, food and water safety, failing infrastructure all need citizens who can come together in decision making. The market (speculation at the center) is the cause not the solution to so much that lies ahead. None of these issues will be well served by a crash course with frightened consumers who have been thrown in the civic engagement.
In reality it shouldn't be an either / or proposition, but with such tiny numbers of citizens with real knowledge of Encinitas political climate this is just a fact. That said, this blog will serve as a resource like the Encinitas Undercover blog, Encinitas You Need Us blog and the encinitasyouneedus YouTube channel for this past year. As pointed out since the early days of this blog, Leucadia blog served this purpose for their early writing chronicling local political characters with several posts this past year.
Because there are almost 300 Our Mayor posts that chronicle this end of a political majority's lock on Encinitas City Council, the blog will allow access and may be referenced at EYNU.
So, Our Mayor Stocks will still exist, but will be inactive. The blog will be dormant around winter solstice, Dec. 21 this year and that's appropriate as it started around the winter solstice last year. Winter Solstice brings the longest night of the year.
It is with pleasure we leave this behind. It feels petty when reporting petty - and the same goes for bullying, outbursts, lying, etc. Even when humor was injected and national stories interjected for some change, the negative approach to governing was an emotional energy suck. There is a toll it takes on the messenger. A long night indeed.
Anyone who has been an observer, a student of the US political scene for the past 30 years is well aware of the phenomenon of induced amnesia. Our gigantic corporate media have perfected the erasure process with the Romney campaign. The biggest slate clearing in the last decade?
Bush? Bush who? (Locally, Dan? Dan who?)
Whatever is written or even video taped - rrrriiiiiiipppppppp - clear the page. Gone. Out of sight and out of mind.
Enough prologue, it is likely the level of awareness reached by voters this year will dissipate very quickly.
[Editor note: Missing portion in bold added late.]
I believe it is important remind ourselves what we consider corrupt, unfair, damaging or uncivil. What should be exposed or punished? We need to come to an agreement of who is accountable and how this might be made clear to the community.
The new council can be trusted to begin the new business at hand with this backdrop of the past available to inform decision making. My own belief is that maintaining and growing a public sector; e.g., an informed and engaged electorate, is far more important for activists' energy than anything that this new city council will be doing this year.
Collective issues like climate change, economic implosion, unemployment, food and water safety, failing infrastructure all need citizens who can come together in decision making. The market (speculation at the center) is the cause not the solution to so much that lies ahead. None of these issues will be well served by a crash course with frightened consumers who have been thrown in the civic engagement.
In reality it shouldn't be an either / or proposition, but with such tiny numbers of citizens with real knowledge of Encinitas political climate this is just a fact. That said, this blog will serve as a resource like the Encinitas Undercover blog, Encinitas You Need Us blog and the encinitasyouneedus YouTube channel for this past year. As pointed out since the early days of this blog, Leucadia blog served this purpose for their early writing chronicling local political characters with several posts this past year.
Because there are almost 300 Our Mayor posts that chronicle this end of a political majority's lock on Encinitas City Council, the blog will allow access and may be referenced at EYNU.
So, Our Mayor Stocks will still exist, but will be inactive. The blog will be dormant around winter solstice, Dec. 21 this year and that's appropriate as it started around the winter solstice last year. Winter Solstice brings the longest night of the year.
It is with pleasure we leave this behind. It feels petty when reporting petty - and the same goes for bullying, outbursts, lying, etc. Even when humor was injected and national stories interjected for some change, the negative approach to governing was an emotional energy suck. There is a toll it takes on the messenger. A long night indeed.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Petty to the Bitter End
Update below - omitted clip added
Last Wednesday, Nov. 14, was the first council meeting since the election when our Mayor Stocks was voted out of office by Encinitas voters. Was there a statement from the dais from Our Mayor Stocks? No congratulations for the new candidates or their campaigns or concession words were offered. Nothing at the beginning of the meeting where he has often spoken off the cuff or at the end in a personal word while reporting on boards. No, not even a statement following the several oral communications speakers whose comments contained election tactics, electorate reactions, compliments to the candidates, praise for Barth and chastising Stocks. Of course it is ridiculous after 12 years to expect grace or the high moral ground from Jerome. Zero . . . beyond, Thank you for your comments.
Sadly, the criteria for success for Stocks has become whether or not he was rude, patronizing or dismissive. By that standard this next to the last meeting was a success.
The rest of the meeting was devoted to financial housekeeping issues of no great importance for debate and discussion. Someone from the public did pull item #5 from the consent calendar (meaning general administrative issue). This item was a request by Crown Castle to mount a telecomunications device on the utility pole on Blue Heron Ave. The agenda packet describes this, but it was presented as simply a contract issue of an additional device. This meant no discussion of technical or functioning was supposed to be allowed. Although this makes sense in an efficient approach to addressing regular housekeeping chores; this kind of narrow agenda definition has been favored by the council majority for years to keep volatile public protest off limits.
The three clips that follow speak to the petitioning neighbors rejection of this staff recommendation for an added device. Their concerns are clearly laid out and at the most basic level ask they their concerns be taken seriously. As the Jennifer Brimley the last public speaker below so aptly states, "This is your community too and you represent us, not Crown Castle."
Jim Madaffer representing Crown Castle presents what is essentially an argument that says, this is inevitable so get used to it. Plus this rather specious claim that radiation is not the issue, the health and safety issue is having enough of these - for emergencies.
Finally in this lineup is the Jennifer Brimley clip that challenges the Crown Castle's dismissal of transmission concerns among other points. She cites "Full Signal" the documentary that exposes the underlying financial criteria for the proliferation of these devices under the guise of legitimate need. The documentary movie website states:
"Full Signal examines the contradiction between health and finance, one of the many ironies of the fight to regulate antenna placement."
Councilwoman Barth voted against this with the straightforward fact, "The need hasn't been demonstrated to me." She discussed the previous council discussions in Sept. concerning Castle Group and the reasoning for coverage. Her request for clarification from the expert brought the Catch 22 answer that you'll have to listen to yourself to decipher.
Update 11/18/12: The following clip was accidentally left off and has been embedded again.
The pettiness that the title of this post asserts is this. If the council majority would simply reject the recommendation, no dire consequences would follow beyond annoyance for the vendor and maybe the staff. There would be time for the new council to look at the petitioners' request regarding DAS in terms of views, property values and health concerns. A chance for staff and the Environmental Commission to review research and the documentary film Brimley cites.
Stocks and Bond had no compelling reason to disregard the public's request. They are finished. It was petty. And it typifies the 20 year history of voting against public will and public concerns on behalf of for-profit private sector interests.
Blog Note: The final days for Our Mayor Stocks and this blog using Jerome Stocks name and title will probably reflect his silent skulking. But, one never knows if the big shouty part of his demeanor will show itself in the next several weeks. There is no reason to believe Jerome will leave politics, so it's impossible to predict what's next.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Quote of the Day - Misconstructed
Gay marriage legalized on the same day as marijuana makes perfect biblical sense.
Leviticus 20:13:
"A man who lays with another man should be stoned."
Our interpretation has just been wrong for all these years!
Comic relief
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Mayor Unfettered
Now that the election is over and Jerome Stocks has no political standing locally or regionally, he is able to reveal his beliefs and his worldview more openly. It seems he is a part of the Shouty People in Wingnuttia with his far right reading recommendation from World Net Daily on his FB. The website has a uniquely narrow definition on the word free, but an extensive use of the word in the most inappropriate contexts.
This is the guy whose supporters called Shaffer and Kranz too extreme for Encinitas with fake images and scary big font headlines.
h/t Tengrain and Truthdig
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
From Ronnie's Lips
It has been widely reported that President Obama has offered up benefit cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in previous deficit negotiations. And while President Obama has said he'd veto any extension of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, he has caved on important issues in the past.
So we need to keep pushing and tell President Obama to draw a line in the sand. To do this: sign the petition.
So we need to keep pushing and tell President Obama to draw a line in the sand. To do this: sign the petition.
Citizen Tip,
Monday, November 12, 2012
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Word for the Day: Schadenfreude
Some may have to Google, but I wager most know this word and exactly this emotional response to Jerome Stocks losing his place on the Encinitas City Council, SANDAG and NCTD. (Only 2 more meetings to chair.)
The voters of Encinitas spoke loud and clear.
Jerome Stocks a day later. NCT (UT?) "[ . . .] he saw the voting results as indication that voters felt his 12 years in office were long enough, commenting that “it’s out with the old and in with the new.”
You may tell yourself this. We have a different version with video clips.
But it gets better. The voters selected Dave Roberts over Jerome's candidate Steve Danon for San Diego County Supervisor. And, heart be still, US Representative Brian Bilbray is now out. It is all one crony club as Jerome is on Danon's campaign staff, Dannon is chief of staff for Bilbray and Christy Guerin, former Mayor of Encinitas and BFF to Jerome works for Bilbray. This means she too is out of a job. Oh and she is married to someone (Google for details, I'm still on vacation) in San Diego law enforcement. You know, these are the public union people who endorsed Stocks, Muir and Forrester. Who . . . what?
It's a club and we the majority of voters in Encinitas are not in it.
Today this makes me really proud.
It's not over by any means as Gaspar the former trainee (still meeting with the whiskered grifter for talking points) and the Muir duo with pilfered populist talking points are still with us. It is simply a new version. There will be civility and lots of polite smiles.
We simply have to sharpen our perception, our vigilance. But, boy howdy, does it feel good to know that a giant breath of fresh air just blew in from our electoral politics in spite of the massive waste of wealth. Schadenfreude.
P.S. Counting of provisional ballots (mail-in ballots turned into polling places on election day) is still going on and it looks like Tony's numbers are growing and Stocks percentage is falling. Delightful.
The voters of Encinitas spoke loud and clear.
Jerome Stocks a day later. NCT (UT?) "[ . . .] he saw the voting results as indication that voters felt his 12 years in office were long enough, commenting that “it’s out with the old and in with the new.”
You may tell yourself this. We have a different version with video clips.
But it gets better. The voters selected Dave Roberts over Jerome's candidate Steve Danon for San Diego County Supervisor. And, heart be still, US Representative Brian Bilbray is now out. It is all one crony club as Jerome is on Danon's campaign staff, Dannon is chief of staff for Bilbray and Christy Guerin, former Mayor of Encinitas and BFF to Jerome works for Bilbray. This means she too is out of a job. Oh and she is married to someone (Google for details, I'm still on vacation) in San Diego law enforcement. You know, these are the public union people who endorsed Stocks, Muir and Forrester. Who . . . what?
It's a club and we the majority of voters in Encinitas are not in it.
Today this makes me really proud.
It's not over by any means as Gaspar the former trainee (still meeting with the whiskered grifter for talking points) and the Muir duo with pilfered populist talking points are still with us. It is simply a new version. There will be civility and lots of polite smiles.
We simply have to sharpen our perception, our vigilance. But, boy howdy, does it feel good to know that a giant breath of fresh air just blew in from our electoral politics in spite of the massive waste of wealth. Schadenfreude.
P.S. Counting of provisional ballots (mail-in ballots turned into polling places on election day) is still going on and it looks like Tony's numbers are growing and Stocks percentage is falling. Delightful.
Campaign 2012,
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Jumping for Joy
Let us all enjoy the delicious fruits of our labors, rest, reflect, celebrate and enjoy!
Taking a break . . .
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Working Man Proud He Voted
Hmmmm . . . Pizza sounds good to eat and watch the returns.
Crust Pizza is where? Website
In Crust We Trust
Sorry, I got too hungry.
Campaign 2012
Landmark Ruling, "Dark Money" group tied to Citizen United ordered to reveal its donors.
As Democracy Now! has previously reported, one of every four dollars spent on the campaign ads, direct mail and robocalls that target voters now comes from so-called "dark money" organizations. The IRS lets these groups keep their donors secret because they are considered "social welfare non-profits." But that changed this past Friday when a Montana judge ordered the release of one such group’s bank records. An investigation had found that Western Tradition Partnership may have misled the IRS about the extent of its political activities, and that citizens have a right to know where its campaign cash was coming from. The group is known for bringing a lawsuit to the Supreme Court that successfully challenged Montana’s ban on corporate spending in elections, and the resulting ruling extended the court’s Citizens United decision to include all 50 states. Friday’s ruling marks the first time a court has ordered a dark money group’s donors to be made public, and some say the judge’s move could serve as a warning to similar organizations.Democracy Now!
Election Day - Request from Lisa Shaffer
OMG . . . OMG . . . OMG Did you think it would ever end? Editor
Lisa's requests:
Bring Back Campaign Signs
Sign Collection Saturday, Nov. 10. This campaign has been too costly and too dirty. In an effort to clean things up, I'm asking everyone who has a Shaffer for Council campaign sign to bring it to one of the following collection points on Saturday, Nov. 10. We're selling the metal holders back to a distributor and donating the corrugated plastic signs to art programs for re-use. Thanks to my volunteers for their help.
- New Encinitas, in front of Flora Vista on Wandering Lane 10:00 - 12:00
Bring Food
- Historic Encinitas, D Street Park (across from the library) 12:00 - 2:00
Food Collection. When you bring your campaign signs on November 10, please also bring a food donation for the many in need. The food will be donated to the Community Resource Center in Encinitas. Non-perishable items including canned goods, rice, beans, cooking oil, etc. are in constant demand.
Even if you don't have a sign to recycle, we welcome your contributions. It's a small attempt to offset the enormous expenditures that go into political campaigns.
Councilwoman Teresa Barth will be at a collection site. she had this to say in her Nov.3 newsletter:
Community Resource Center's Annual Holiday Baskets Program is set to serve a record number of local families in need this winter, but still expects to turn away hundreds of families because of low food supplies! Because of ongoing food shortages, CRC has ZERO supplies for Holiday Baskets again this year, so FOOD DONATIONS are a critical need.
Please spread the word!
I will be looking for volunteers to join me at the distribution site. More info to come after the election!
Monday, November 5, 2012
When Character Counts - Mayor Stocks Fails
Vicious Slander
Sign Thefts
Illegal Contributions
Tax Money Funding Campaigns
FPPC Violations
Code Compliance Violations
Character Assassinations
Throwing Newspapers in Trash*
Throwing Newspapers in Trash*
On the eve of the big election day there is a need to make something clear. We do not believe the vast majority of residents in this city want to have anything to do with hate. But, those opposing Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz have been doing the whole list of awfulness above. We leave out Yost, Brophy and No-show Shuh because they present no animosity or adequate funding or backing for any of it. They have been nothing but respectful.
Even if Mayor Jerome Stocks or Mark Muir are to be investigated, which is likely . . . Even if then there is't evidence of their involvement . . . None of this is what really matters right now and in the last few weeks.
Stocks has never once used his bully pulpit or spent his own campaign war chest to send a loud and clear message to his supporters - I disapprove of all of these things. Not a word. Even the Facebook and Twitter entries (suspiciously vapid sounding - purchased for filler?) don't make a stand on justice and fair play.
Instead he uses the Republican online blog to attack and justify the above behaviors as retribution that is "deserved". No, we won't link to the place. We have yet to read a post submitted by Stocks that isn't filled with really hostile communication.
The Shaffer and Kranz campaign has not now or ever been about running against Stocks. They have immediately spoken up if there is a suspicion that a volunteer from their campaign or even supporters break the law or go negative. They have instead focused on a vision of what they will bring to the city council. They do not support a post like this one for that reason. We support them whole heartedly for this higher road.
But . . . our whole democratic system recognizes the diversity and complexity our many voices represent. So, we emphatically want to point out the obvious to any and all who have watched, listened and read what Jerome Stocks presents to this community and who all have financed and supported this crony network. Stocks is just not good enough.
Dump Stocks, Fire Muir his sidekick
*David Myers, one of Stocks' financial overlords, demanded that the YMCA no longer distribute The Coast News, causing the personnel there to put the copies in the trash. Not a crime, but a despicable action on the part of this group of wealthy bullies. Myers has a history of childish and hateful action plans.
*David Myers, one of Stocks' financial overlords, demanded that the YMCA no longer distribute The Coast News, causing the personnel there to put the copies in the trash. Not a crime, but a despicable action on the part of this group of wealthy bullies. Myers has a history of childish and hateful action plans.
Campaign 2012,
Dump Stocks,
Fire Muir
Wave of Endorsements from Young Professionals
As if by magic, a wave of endorsements from a whole group of young professionals appeared to support Tony Kranz and Lisa Shaffer in this final stretch.
For all the cynics, naysayers and doubters let it be known, the current crop of movers and shakers in Encinitas may be far more aware of what is going on than anyone (in print anyway) imagined.
This critical election in the 21st century requires these young community leaders, so Encinitas is well on it's way to healing as they make their presence known.
Just what is needed. Thanks to Marty Benson and others (not yet identified) for getting these videos on Facebook.
Also, a story via Councilwoman Barth. Epic PhotoJournalism studio owner, Todd writes:
Epic is a proud supporter of Tony and Lisa! We would like to share their pictures as Todd spotted a woman yesterday afternoon stealing their signs and putting them in her car at the crossing of El Camino Real and Manchester Ave. There are thieves rolling around Encinitas, stealing their signs....incredible. Go Tony Kranz for Encinitas City Council and Shaffer for Council 2012!!!!!
Pictures by Epic PhotoJournalism
Count Down - Last Day Before the Election
Waving signs at the morning and afternoon rush hours are easy and fun to do. That's what Lisa Shaffer the candidate will be doing. Emails and calls to the best friends and neighbors to nudge a reminder - tactfully - might work too. Or that could be a really bad idea. You know your own peeps.
For some like our recommended candidates, the tasks on the day before the election and election day are clear. Get out the vote. Those of us who are not poll workers or drivers for voters or calling on phone banks or doing last minute canvassing or sign waving it's . . . what? This campaign I'm not part of those tasks. But I choose not to let guilt over that or anxiety about the final outcome make me sick.
Of the group of wonky citizens who follow the election every single day, the pressure is huge. Some will meditate, some will hit the beach, some will throw themselves into work, some will garden and some will self medicate. A couple of these sound good.
Whatever, it is time to start the depressurization process in order for a return to daily life. For some of us it is necessary to keep addressing what is going on in the world around us with a will to affect change to improve things. Continuous improvement isn't just a campaign buzz slogan for millions of people around the world. We are living in the most exciting time as life as we've always known it is being challenged. I, for one, enjoy subjects about which I feel compelled to write. (Read that this week somewhere and realized it is so true I'd wished I'd written it first.)
Still and all the image doesn't lie. We need to remember we are a speck in the universe. But your vote and your energy to do the best you can in these next 2 days do matter.
And, for those of you who are going to work around the clock like crazy with no regard for balance? I salute you too. Life is short.
Campaign 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Bad Guys Goin' Down
Encinitas Undercover has the image. Shocked. We're just shocked I say at the bold faced plunder of the taxpayer dollar to pander to the Encinitas clueless by Stocks and company.
We didn't get the mailer Encinitas Undercover is writing about in the last post. Go there and check out the utter shameless misuse of taxpayer paid survey statistics for political gain. The false construct of the super majority being responsible for citizen's satisfaction is the biggest lie.
This blatant disregard for ethics, the public demand for integrety and fair play and "blatantly fraudulent use of the charitable non-profit 501(c)(3) status" is going to leave a mark. This will be investigated as complaints are being filed.
Citizens spoke out against this survey in March of this year when it was proposed. For the record, here is the series of "We told you so" type clips. Even in criticism of this contained sincere good-faith comments by public and Barth that the city manager wanted to hear from the community.
We didn't get the mailer Encinitas Undercover is writing about in the last post. Go there and check out the utter shameless misuse of taxpayer paid survey statistics for political gain. The false construct of the super majority being responsible for citizen's satisfaction is the biggest lie.
This blatant disregard for ethics, the public demand for integrety and fair play and "blatantly fraudulent use of the charitable non-profit 501(c)(3) status" is going to leave a mark. This will be investigated as complaints are being filed.
Citizens spoke out against this survey in March of this year when it was proposed. For the record, here is the series of "We told you so" type clips. Even in criticism of this contained sincere good-faith comments by public and Barth that the city manager wanted to hear from the community.
Editor note: YouTube has now inserted suggested videos at the end of clips that are NOT this blog's selections.
Campaign 2012,
Count Down - 2 Days to the Election
Update at end
Two days more to the campaigns for city council members. Today, a Sunday, is a good day for families where moms and dads can let their kids join them in the whole process of participatory citizenship. It's not just for school.
How about letting the kids wave signs with you somewhere you choose? Guaranteed giggles and lots of questions about elections, voting and such.
Every Sunday we see volunteers handing out fliers at the Farmers' Market. I watched Lisa Shaffer speak to children who asked her questions. "What is city council?" This was a little red-headed girl in pink glued to Lisa's eyes.
"It's the people who run the city and I want to be one of these people. Like the president only for our town."
"Ohhh!" Her eyes were bright and she never stopped petting her little toy.
Lisa has 4 daughters. Makes me think of one of the best videos supportive of little girls I ever saw.
Two days more to the campaigns for city council members. Today, a Sunday, is a good day for families where moms and dads can let their kids join them in the whole process of participatory citizenship. It's not just for school.
How about letting the kids wave signs with you somewhere you choose? Guaranteed giggles and lots of questions about elections, voting and such.
Every Sunday we see volunteers handing out fliers at the Farmers' Market. I watched Lisa Shaffer speak to children who asked her questions. "What is city council?" This was a little red-headed girl in pink glued to Lisa's eyes.
"It's the people who run the city and I want to be one of these people. Like the president only for our town."
"Ohhh!" Her eyes were bright and she never stopped petting her little toy.
Lisa has 4 daughters. Makes me think of one of the best videos supportive of little girls I ever saw.
Imagine a community - a country - filled with this kind of father the norm? Imagine these men letting these little girls know very early that they are cherished and respected. It is not uncommon to hear guys say they would die for their children.
Maybe something far less drastic would be miraculous. I would ask if you are willing to do something girly with your daughter? Are you willing to do something that might make you feel foolish - like standing on a corner holding a sign and waving at cars? How about walking around your neighborhood with your kids and talking to people about the election and how it matters to you that your children learn what is going on in their neighborhood?
Can you just hear the excitement of these children when school begins tomorrow? The playground will be buzzing. Yes, it's okay for children to be guided in how to have political competition without being mean or hateful or threatening. This really brings home the fact that you don't condone bullying. You will have shown them this.
The way I see it, an election is a snapshot. The really important work ahead is building a community of involved citizens. Now that is where the work begins. First step is to elect willing and cooperative city council members and be there for and with the children.
And on the theme of little girl activities for some comic relief - for adults only - Eddie Izzard.
And on the theme of little girl activities for some comic relief - for adults only - Eddie Izzard.
Update: As it turns out, North Coast Current had an excellent post on children and politics yesterday. Check it out.
Campaign 2012,
Lisa Shaffer
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Who's Behind the Hit Pieces?
Via Councilwoman Teresa Barth's Newsletter today:
As predicted, the smear campaign rolled into high gear
this past week.
First there was a mailer in support of Stocks & Muir and
blasting Shaffer and Kranz
Return Address:
330 Encinitas Blvd #101
Encinitas, CA
Treasurer: Nancy Haley
Then there was the
"Don't let Shaffer and Kranz Occupy Encinitas"
Sent out by the San Diego County Republican Party
who endorsed Forrester, Muir and Stocks
Followed by a vicious character
assignation against Tony Kranz.
Sent out by
San Diego County Voters for Progress and Reform
7185 Navajo Rd, Suite P
San Diego, CA
Treasure: C. April Boling
She is also the Treasurer of the Lincoln Club
Muir, Forrester and Stocks were endorsed by the Club.
Who's the Lincoln Club?
Who supports Prop K - Elected Mayor?
Bond, Muir & Stocks
Editor: Thank you Councilwoman Barth for a thorough summary that is well documented. We appreciate this as we appreciate the kind of thoroughness you devote to your service on the city council. My wish is this. You will be joined on the dais with two equally competent council members like Shaffer and Kranz to get real work done - rather than special interest empire building. And I would also wish that paid journalists would present vital summaries like this to the public, rather than waiting for information from elected officials to be handed to them.
Count Down - 3 Days to the Election
The three zombie pumpkins make this the last Halloween themed post. Promise. Besides autumn being a favorite season for harvest reasons, smells, tree leaves changing, ocean currents and a kind of spirit of preparing for something big . . . I just love the pagan inspired fun of the holiday.
This year's obsession with zombies brought us the really creatively funny endorsement for Romney. A Google search returning 892,000 hits in 26 seconds that references Ryan as the Zombie Eyed Granny Starver is right on target here.
Just because local candidates in a so-called nonpartisan election do not talk the partisan national politics doesn't mean this liberal blogger won't. The common theme of lack of humanity and empathy - and well . . . lying - is just too similar.
Zombie voters - the walking dead who vote as programmed are a concern for every campaign interested in engaging and involving citizens. Forty plus years of concentrated money and psychological research devoted to creating a docile, unquestioning population who identify as consumers rather than citizens has being frighteningly powerful.
Yet, the human spirit is stronger. Even in a community of wealth, comfort and a paradise of nature there is a growing awareness of a false narrative that there is only economic bliss, progress, rainbows and unicorns in Encinitas government. Not everyone agrees on specifics, but common themes are apparent. We are all feeling the realities of changing norms and inequities born out of corruption and greed. Heightened incivility, secretive processes and bullying behaviors at city hall have united different viewpoints. We know we are being lied to by these political creatures.
We outnumber the zombies who refuse to reason, who attack intelligence, dissent and science. The zombie army follows their directives and the invectives. Eat our brains indeed.
We demand better. Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz believe citizens in the community should be trusted to know what is important for themselves. This makes them sharply different from the incumbents and Forrester who would have the general population stay out of their way - especially when it comes to developing and land use in Encinitas.
This year's obsession with zombies brought us the really creatively funny endorsement for Romney. A Google search returning 892,000 hits in 26 seconds that references Ryan as the Zombie Eyed Granny Starver is right on target here.
Just because local candidates in a so-called nonpartisan election do not talk the partisan national politics doesn't mean this liberal blogger won't. The common theme of lack of humanity and empathy - and well . . . lying - is just too similar.
Zombie voters - the walking dead who vote as programmed are a concern for every campaign interested in engaging and involving citizens. Forty plus years of concentrated money and psychological research devoted to creating a docile, unquestioning population who identify as consumers rather than citizens has being frighteningly powerful.
Yet, the human spirit is stronger. Even in a community of wealth, comfort and a paradise of nature there is a growing awareness of a false narrative that there is only economic bliss, progress, rainbows and unicorns in Encinitas government. Not everyone agrees on specifics, but common themes are apparent. We are all feeling the realities of changing norms and inequities born out of corruption and greed. Heightened incivility, secretive processes and bullying behaviors at city hall have united different viewpoints. We know we are being lied to by these political creatures.
We outnumber the zombies who refuse to reason, who attack intelligence, dissent and science. The zombie army follows their directives and the invectives. Eat our brains indeed.
We demand better. Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz believe citizens in the community should be trusted to know what is important for themselves. This makes them sharply different from the incumbents and Forrester who would have the general population stay out of their way - especially when it comes to developing and land use in Encinitas.
Campaign 2012,
Lisa Shaffer,
Tony Kranz
Friday, November 2, 2012
According to Mary: MACSTOCKS
“The Less You Know, The Better You Feel” by Mary Fleener
40 pgs/ digest size/ a collection of comic strips from The Coast News
1st printing Oct 2012
To order send $6.00 (postage paid). Cash or check only to: M. Fleener c/o Mailbox Station POB 713 1106 2nd Street Encinitas CA 92024
Count Down - 4 Days to the Election
Our Mayor Stocks has given us 12 years of rollercoaster moods and different treatment depending on who is facing him. This loosely qualifies him as an inspiration for a fantastic Halloween Costume for this election year festivities. Yes, the kiddies have their Halloween trick or treat action but grown up parties during this season last through the weekend. True Fact.
Tim Burton's version, the Halloween Town Mayor, is described in The Nightmare Before Christmas:
In the movie, he is short tempered and likes making speeches.[ . . . ] He has two faces. One of his faces is happy while the other may be either sad or angry. His split personality type situation was possibly inspired by The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and he is a literal description of the phrase "two-faced politicians".
His head is cone-shaped and displays the two faces he is most notable for. One face (as well as his hands) is peach-colored, with rosy cheeks and a face set in a permanent smile. The other face is bone-white, has a mouth set in a permanent frown (the teeth of which are pointed) with green lips and yellow eyes.
The Mayor's body is also cone-shaped, with his body ballooning outward before ending on short, stubby legs with very tiny feet. He dresses in a black suit with a white undershirt and black-and-white pinstriped pants. He wears a pendant or bow-tie shaped like a black widow spider, though it only has six legs and the notorious red hourglass marking is on the spider's back and is much more detailed than in real life. There is a red ribbon with the word "MAYOR" printed on a white center pinned to the left breast of his blazer. He is never seen without his short, metal megaphone that he uses to issue orders, announcements, and, more often, call for help from Jack.

Tony Kranz is loved by many and respected for his integrity and his appeal as "everyman Encinitas" - a threat to this trio. The mayor's crony friends have been vocal in attempting to create a monster version of our candidate Kranz. Volunteers are working to help officials identify the candidates, their friends and paid consultants who are responsible. Getting the word out is vital. Spread the word.
Campaign 2012,
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Looking Bad on a Bigger Scale - Game Over?
It is Goofy. All the regular tactics Stocks and company have used in past elections are just not working like before. Here are some disparate voices all agreeing that Stocks days may be numbered.
From Logan Jenkins today . . .
Bruce Ehlers made the comment, and uses a EYNU clip, Mayor Stocksplaining.
who has never had anything good to say about Maggie Houlihan, Teresa Barth, Leucadia, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Historic Encinitas, coastal residents or minority voices has this to say,
All of these above join with Coast News, North Coast Current, EYNU blog, Our Mayor blog, Encinitas Undercover and Leucadia blog to say that Stocks needs to go. Lies and dirty mailers are contemptible. Breaking the law and thinking it is a joke is unethical. Stealing signs from yards in the middle of the night is cowardly. Vowing to play fair and then not owning up to your bad behavior or condemning those who act out hatefully on your behalf is the lowest of the low. Game over.
And Mayor, for the record, Dump Stocks is not hate. It is simply voter choice. It may hurt your feelings, but it isn't hate.
From Logan Jenkins today . . .
• In Encinitas, how highly will Stocks be valued? Councilman Jerome Stocks is a bright-red target for anyone in Encinitas with a gripe about the powers that have been for the last 12 years. Years ago, Stocks could have made the leap to regional or state office. Now it’s an open question if he’ll be returned to office, a stunning fall if it happens.From blogger Al Rodbell's take on Turko Files piece last Monday painting a Stocks saves the day meme.
Rodbell's post, Encinitas Mayor Jerome Stocks Saves Woman from Homelessness, is a really good analysis of the deceit within the Turko presentation. Turko is an entertainer and this is pre-election theatre. Please read the whole thing, but let us give you a taste. As Rodbell says of the premise,
"There's only one problem, the narrative, the subtext that this conveys is full of holes . . ."
What's wrong with this narrative that glides along many themes of our political culture. It's the story of a strong forthright elected leader who is willing to buck the bureaucracy--it can be local, state or the federal government itself. The meme (great word for the little factoids that most people build their images of the world on) is one that is fostered most by the tea party crowd that has captured the Republican party.
This five minute segment on the local news featuring a crusading reporter Michael Turko, illustrates how a good story beats reality every time--especially, when you have the dramatic elements of an elderly widow being thrown out of her home by a heartless city government. The reporter goes to the very top, the Mayor, and within a few days, together they have reversed months of government intransigence to allow the tearful grateful women back into her home. Two heroes, splashed over television and the Internet, that just may sway an election and change the structure of a small city.At the heart of this is the false impression that Stocks is anything more than 1/5 of the council. He pontificates like he is more than this and the whole thing is framed to support him. Seriously, read it.
Bruce Ehlers made the comment, and uses a EYNU clip, Mayor Stocksplaining.
More of Jerome justifying his making exceptions to code … In this clip from the August 15th City Council meeting, Jerome says he thinks Council can make exceptions to the ordinances. He says the Council can make exceptions. Listen for yourself.
- At 0:21/4:49 Jerome Stocks says, “I think our staff did an excellent job of pointing it out that it is their job to apply municipal code as it is written” …
- At 0:53/4:49 Jerome continues, “Staff doesn’t have the authority to apply discretion the way the City Council does …”
- At 1:17/4:49 Jerome goes further describing the appeal process and Council’s authority saying “They (staff) have to apply the rules as they (the rules) currently exist. If you don’t agree with the rules, you bring it to us. If you want to make an exception, It’s our authority and that’s why we are here.
I think this explains a lot about Jerome’s attitude toward how the City’s rules work and apply to others but not him. Apparently in this case he thinks staff should apply the rules but in your case he thinks he gets to have an exception. This issue is all about honesty and trust. If he screwed up, he should admit it and apologize. If we can’t trust him to follow the ordinances as written or admit when he has violated them, how can we trust him to be honest on Council. Unfortunately this arrogance is not an isolated incident.
We need a change at City Hall. Dump StocksLocal Conservative Contrarian . . .
who has never had anything good to say about Maggie Houlihan, Teresa Barth, Leucadia, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Historic Encinitas, coastal residents or minority voices has this to say,
Mayor Stocks has had his time in the public trough long enough.Hey, call me Goofy. The link to this last is yours to find in the local press as I don't feel like directing traffic to crazy Harry Eller.
All of these above join with Coast News, North Coast Current, EYNU blog, Our Mayor blog, Encinitas Undercover and Leucadia blog to say that Stocks needs to go. Lies and dirty mailers are contemptible. Breaking the law and thinking it is a joke is unethical. Stealing signs from yards in the middle of the night is cowardly. Vowing to play fair and then not owning up to your bad behavior or condemning those who act out hatefully on your behalf is the lowest of the low. Game over.
Campaign 2012,
Dump Stocks
Count Down - 5 Days to the Election
Five is a fundamental number in our Encinitas Universe. Five separate former towns or areas with self-identified communities worked very hard a quarter of a century ago to join together to create Encinitas.
The majority on the council has turned a deaf ear to countless community character concerns of diverse nature. Development at all costs seems the guiding theme regardless of the presentation or packaging du jour. Take a tour through the several hundred posts on this blog for specifics.
This opposition ideology uses terms like team in a redefined way. For this council majority it means, agree with us or be labeled, libeled or otherwise attacked. In this election that could finally be ended. Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz have emphatically avoided divisiveness. They walk the talk. For this reason the 5 communities of neighbors resonate with their campaigns and have done for more than a year.
Cardiff-by-the-SeaHistoric EncinitasLeucadiaNew EncinitasOlivenhain
As Councilwoman Barth said in her Letter to the Editor on why she voted No on Proposition K,
"Encinitas is a unique city formed as a collaboration of five distinct communities. I believe its council should also be a collaboration of the five distinct members."Despite Encinitas City Council having five seats, there has been a majority voting block for many years that acts as in lock step to silence minority voices, dissenting views and diverse alternatives to the status quo. For many years it was a 3:2 voting block. For a year now, since Maggie Houlihan's death it has been a 4:1 super majority.
The majority on the council has turned a deaf ear to countless community character concerns of diverse nature. Development at all costs seems the guiding theme regardless of the presentation or packaging du jour. Take a tour through the several hundred posts on this blog for specifics.
This opposition ideology uses terms like team in a redefined way. For this council majority it means, agree with us or be labeled, libeled or otherwise attacked. In this election that could finally be ended. Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz have emphatically avoided divisiveness. They walk the talk. For this reason the 5 communities of neighbors resonate with their campaigns and have done for more than a year.
Real Grassroots Energy and Commitment
- All 5 communities have meet-ups for Lisa Shaffer and Tony Kranz.
- All 5 communities have made contributions to these campaigns.
- All 5 communities have activists watchdog, petition, write and speak out.
- All 5 communities have volunteers working on these 2 campaigns.
- All 5 communities have people contacting Lisa and Tony for more . . .
Campaign 2012,
Lisa Shaffer,
Tony Kranz
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