Monday, May 14, 2012

Myths Encinitas

Encinitas traffic engineers, traffic consultants like Austin-Foust, traffic commissioners, Mayor Stocks (especially in his role as SANDAG chairman), Jim Bond, crony friends and many in the community of Encinitas keep perpetuating the myths about automobile-centric supremacy as the only transportation approach for a robust economy.

This is a myth.  Today's post will feature a  Streetfilms video sharing information from over 100's of studies done around the world about livable cities.

Despite the automobile's 100 year reign and all the great things each and every one of us may have enjoyed with our drivers licensed entree into the US auto-centric 20th century, it will ultimately be viewed by history as a mistake for two reasons (discussed within this film):
  1. Traffic undermines the livability of the city. 
  2. The auto does a poor job of moving people in a dense urban environment.
This isn't to say there is no place, no function for the automobile.  That would be silly.  It is simply not the sacred gift to humanity that it is touted to be, especially in the Western US in the decades that lie ahead of us.  The time of rethinking has begun and decades overdue.

But, someone who has studied this in depth will take over here in a  Streetfilms video. Even though Encinitas is a tiny dot compared to New York City.  This living laboratory of all that traffic can be is worthy of our attention.
"For more than 100 years New York City government policy has prioritized the needs of the automobile over the needs of any other mode of transport. Working under the faulty assumption that more car traffic would improve business, planners and engineers have systematically made our streets more dangerous and less livable. As a result, even the idea that a street could truly be a “place” – a shared space for human interaction and play – has been almost completely destroyed."

This website is on our Encinitas traffic engineers should be forced to use as a tutorial until they lose the 1950's traffic myths.   Streetfilms has . . .
"done over 450 Streetfilms in nearly 6 years!  We've been a lot of places. We've explored a lot of ideas. We've interviewed the top world experts in the transportation & livable streets realm."

Update: 3:20 pm The correct video has been embedded.  Apologies for the oversight.