Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ootsie Feeling Stocks

Three years ago Jerome Stocks had to share officially his "ootsie" feeling about one of the members selected for the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) because she had been a paid real estate representative in a re-zoning case.  Here's his description.


Conflict of interest questions now?  Pfft! Not so you'd notice.  In January the city council selected the members of this artificial arm, ERAC, publicized as a redress for the oversights of the previous several years of workshops having missed gathering the opinions of some citizens.  Well, that's the ostensible reason when it's pretty clear this is a handpicked group of council majority friends, funding sources and those representing the commercial status quo. The group was never presented publicly, never was described with any kind of criteria beyond "stakeholders" and is on it's own timeline and agenda running parallel to GPAC and open houses and workshops.  

Stocks and Gaspar have several times pushed to find out when ERAC will be reporting to the council, making it clear this arm is their preferred arm over all the other arms. 

So, we are yet again left with conjecture or taking the council majority's word for things.  Said another way taking Stocks' word rather than taking stock.  Here is what we can know.  ERAC members include donors to Stocks and Gaspar's election campaigns.  Some of these men were part of the "ugly baby" demonstration evening last Sept and it was obvious the advance work to organize.  And one of Stocks' bestest friends spoke and continues to speak as an un-appointed member of ERAC even as an un-appointed spokesperson to the newspapers. It's not illegal to support the mayor.  It's what is said that can become problematic and secret speech opens a real can of suspicious concoctions and feeds "us and them" divisions. Ootsie anyone?  Here's a peek at the last meeting.

To be clear, there is no way of really recognizing the genuinely engaged residents dedicated to looking out for their neighborhoods, the whole community and those are single minded in ensuring personal or corporate financial gain above any other criteria.  Without being allowed to have had from the outset: a conversation, presentations, open interviews or recorded statements it remains best guess.  Our thanks to those who go to these meetings, who watch and share and who record for us all to see.  So far, we haven't gotten much up on the blog. This was just a peek and enough of a look to question the unofficial agendas in the room (especially in the corner by the door, amirite?). 

But, the past has plenty of examples that taught Encinitas citizens to be very vigilant. Watch, listen, film and confront cronyism, favoritism or the kinds of things that can institutionalize exclusion through our General Plan Update, those policies that favor a proscribed population in class, race and systematically marginalize other residents.

This happens when only one segment alone is heard and represented. We can still clearly call out, to protest and revise the flaws in massive growth strategies, resource scarcity and inferior development.  That's what citizens do. 

Update: As yet, no definition for ootsie is available.