Thursday, July 19, 2012

More please . . .

What a remarkable sensation to experience the calm of civility at last night's city council meeting.  Were Mark Muir and Kristin Gaspar experimenting with a break from Stocks' signature bully style? Or was it simply Jerome Stocks being absent from last night's meeting?  Nice change . . . more please.

Even though the Deputy Mayor never lost the shiny, smily television presenter persona, the interplay of all of the council members in deliberations felt so much closer to the real exchange of information.  The public was treated with civility and respect. Teresa Barth wasn't made the butt of exclusionary tactics of manipulated Roberts Rules or sarcasm. (Bond's bit of snark easy to ignore). This is exactly what the people have been asking for, well, years.

It is worth asking why Stocks needed to take a working council date for his vacation cruise directly before a 3 week hiatus began? Sabine too?  Could it be the General Plan Update's update / criticism / scrutiny on the agenda?  I guess the same could be asked of Kristin Gaspar for her vacation timing during council meeting when the agenda held the subcommittee discussion, which her accusations against Teresa Barth had precipitated?  Or, when Mark Muir's vacation cruise coincided with the council meeting discussing pay raises for fire fighters?  Barth seems to have recorded the city calendar when it comes to vacation scheduling. Just sayin' . . .

No links, no citizen investigation energy expended today.  I'm happy.  Don't ruin it. Maybe clips or more another day.