Monday, July 16, 2012

Myths Encinitas

The Hall property mythologies are some of the longest running in Encinitas history - almost half of the 26 years.  Just in the last week the Jerome Stocks and Jim Bond were mouthing the same revisionist history at the big special city council meeting on July 11.

Yesterday's Our Mayor post provides 8 clips dating from 2008. Nobody is against the park or wants to delay the park.

Prior to Our Mayor blog, the Leucadia blog did some really great posts on various Hall property actions, reactions, lies and community commentary.  A search of the blog with "Hall Propoerty" brings up a non-chronological list with 32 entries, going back to 2006.

If one would read all of these posts with links, comments and view just these clips presented yesterday, you can get an appreciation for the weary sound of Jerry's Sodamka's voice in the following clip. He spoke at last Wednesday's meeting to go on video record that yet again the city was not accurately reporting history and was stretching credible limits with the financial package. We'll honor his desire to go on record by making it just a bit more public than being buried in the city video archives. Jerry is one of Encinitas finest myth busters. And his financial concerns are still valid despite the approval vote Wednesday for the finance concepts.