Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Today's Observation


Several people have written Jerome Stocks to confront him with the blatant disregard for the municipal code in his late night forays with Mark Muir.  Typical of his response is this twitter message from Stocks,
"Another late night putting up campaign signs. Lots of honks and thumbs up from passer's by. It felt great! Those were thumbs, right?"
Has anyone ever recorded Jerome Stocks admitting when he is wrong? It is always someone else's fault and most often it is whoever brings his error to light. Or simply rewriting the rules, redefining language, reframing the story, accusing the people or denying the timeline to claim no accountability. It comes easy as it is just another kind of sales pitch. 

And on the flip side? The pile on of lightweight artiface of photo ops, agenda scheduling, fluff awards, satisfaction surveys born out of group think and lots of the group's financing all constitute the party playbook. This gimmickry is all lightly tethered to truth and ethically measures low enough to be a tripping hazard. By all appearances, this guy Stocks emphatically believes his own hype. As cartoonist Fleener illustrates, it has grown worse over 12 years.

To say Stocks is politicized is an understatement. For him this is the core, with no evidence there is anything else there. Everything is politicized like a polymer coating to plasticize and hold this guy together - without this what's there? Without it he's simply a pushy, inappropriate salesman.